Trying to use the new add_trips layer for mapdeck . Example code and errors below. Grateful for any assistance. Thanks.
The data I'm using:
> class(msi)
[1] "sf" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
> head(msi$geometry)
Geometry set for 6 features
geometry type: POINT
dimension: XYZ
bbox: xmin: 2.94486 ymin: 51.34172 xmax: 3.21298 ymax: 51.42742
epsg (SRID): 4326
proj4string: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
First 5 geometries:
POINT Z (2.94486 51.42742 1573824004)
POINT Z (3.2062 51.35052 1573827317)
POINT Z (3.21298 51.34172 1573830334)
POINT Z (3.21298 51.34175 1573834830)
POINT Z (3.21297 51.34173 1573838433)
The mapdeck code:
key = "mykeyhere"
plot <- mapdeck( token = key, style = 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9',
pitch = 30,
zoom=15) %>%
data = msi
Error I'm getting:
Error in rcpp_path_geojson(data, l, geometry_column, digits, "trips") : Error creating data layer
I wrote the trips layer with this pull-request into the sf
library in mind, so I've designed it to automatically read the z_range
and m_range
of the sfc
I also have the sfheaders
library which can construct sf objects which include these attributes.
I am using the github versions of sf and mapdeck
You haven't included a reproducible data set in your question, so I'm going to use my own.
In this example I
of coordinateslibrary(mapdeck)
## 'roads' is an sf object included in mapdeck
sf_roads <- mapdeck::roads
## you don't need this, I only use it later in the plot so I can subset only 'long'
## roads, so the gif is below 2mb!
sf_roads$length <- as.numeric( sf::st_length( sf_roads ) )
sf_roads$id <- 1:nrow( sf_roads ) ## for joining the 'length' back on
## grab the road coordinates
dt <- sf::st_coordinates( sf_roads )
dt <- dt )
## st_coordinates returns a L1 'id', which is equivalent to our 'id' above
## Need Z and M attributes
dt[, Z := 0 ] ## can be actual elevation if you have it
dt[, M := 1:.N, by = .(L1)] ## this 'M' is your timestamp
## convert back to sf LINESTRING
sf_trips <- sfheaders::sf_linestring(
obj = dt
, x = "X"
, y = "Y"
, z = "Z"
, m = "M"
, linestring_id = "L1"
## You don't need this bit, where I join the 'length' back on.
sf_roads$geometry <- NULL
sf_trips <- merge(
x = sf_trips
, y = sf_roads
, by.x = "L1"
, by.y = "id"
style = mapdeck_style("dark")
) %>%
data = sf_trips[ sf_trips$length > 500, ] ## only showing 'long' roads
, stroke_colour = "L1"
, stroke_width = 100
, opacity = 0.8
, animation_speed = 10
, trail_length = 50
, palette =