I'm trying to make a basic C++ program using objects that accepts a hex value into a linked list, and allows the user to add/multiply the values in the list. The problem is that I'm getting a compiler error in the multiplication area of my object. Here's the code:
void LList::Multi() {
element new_input;
element temp;
element temp1;
cout << "Please enter the number you would like to multiply." <<endl;
new_input = Read_Element();
temp = head −> data;
temp1 = (temp * new_input);
head −> data = temp1;
And here is the error I'm getting: LList.cpp: In member function void LList::Multi():LList.cpp:77: error: no match for operator* in temp * new_input
I'm only using the <iostream> <stdlib.h> and <string> libraries, any input would be very much appreciated.
If you want to use the *
operator on objects of type element
, you need to overload that operator. The error you're getting is telling you that you haven't written an operator-overloading function that can be used on two element