
Can talk to Zookeeper but not to the message brokers

I'm using kafka-python to produce messages for a Kafka 2.2.1 cluster (a managed cluster instance from AWS's MSK service). I'm able to retrieve the bootstrap servers and establish a network connection to them, but no message ever gets through. Instead after each message of the Type A I immediately receive one of type B... and eventually a type C:

A [INFO]    2019-11-19T15:17:19.603Z    <BrokerConnection ... <connecting> [IPv4 ('', 9094)]>: Connection complete.
B [ERROR]   2019-11-19T15:17:19.605Z    <BrokerConnection ... <connected> [IPv4 ('', 9094)]>: socket disconnected
C [ERROR] KafkaTimeoutError: KafkaTimeoutError: Failed to update metadata after 60.0 secs.

What causes a broker node to accept a TCP connection from a hopeful producer, but then immediately close it again?



As suggested, I debugged this with

./kafkacat -b $BROKERS -L -d broker

and got:

7|1574772202.379|FEATURE|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:HOSTNAME]: HOSTNAME:9094/bootstrap: Updated enabled protocol features +ApiVersion to ApiVersion
%7|1574772202.379|STATE|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:HOSTNAME]: HOSTNAME:9094/bootstrap: Broker changed state CONNECT -> APIVERSION_QUERY
%7|1574772202.379|BROKERFAIL|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:HOSTNAME]: HOSTNAME:9094/bootstrap: failed: err: Local: Broker transport failure: (errno: Operation now in progress)
%7|1574772202.379|FEATURE|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:HOSTNAME]: HOSTNAME:9094/bootstrap: Updated enabled protocol features -ApiVersion to
%7|1574772202.380|STATE|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:HOSTNAME]: HOSTNAME:9094/bootstrap: Broker changed state APIVERSION_QUERY -> DOWN

So, is this a kind of mismatch between client and broker API versions? How can I recover from this, bearing in mind that I have no control over the version or the configuration of the Kafka cluster that AWS provides?


  • I think that this is related to the TLS encryption. By default, MSK spins up a cluster that accepts both PLAINTEXT and TLS but if you are grabbing the bootstrap servers programmatically from the cluster it will only provide you with the TLS ports. If this is the case for you, try using the PLAINTEXT port 9092 instead.

    To authenticate the client for TLS you need to generate a certificate: and would then need to get this certificate onto your lambda and reference the certificate in your Producer configuration.

    If you are able to configure your MSK cluster as PLAINTEXT only then when you grab the bootstrap servers from the AWS SDK it will give you the PLAINTEXT port and you should be good.