I am using Yahoo Media Player for playing MP3 songs on my website.
I have put some static MP3 links on site. For e.g.
<a href='1.mp3'>Song1</a>
<a href='2.mp3'>Song2</a>
And I have put the YMP JavaScript API code also.
Now, I want to load the songs dynamically...
For example if user clicks on a button I want to load a complete new play list to the player.
//Something like this
var clickEventHandler = function(){
This may help you, use this:
/** On Yahoo Media API Ready **/
var yesReady = false;
yesReady = true;
function play(){
//Capture the URL of the song
var url = document.getElementById('url').value;
//Put it in Href of Song Link
document.getElementById('link').href = url;
//After that Play the Song using YMP
YAHOO.MediaPlayer.addTracks(document.getElementById('song-div'), 0, true);
<div id='song-div'>
<a href='#' id='link'>Song Name</a>
<input type='text' id='url' />
<input type='button' onClick="javascript:play('url')" value='play'/>
Let me know if you need more help.