I can't seem to come up with a solution to my recursion problem. So I have this Version object that holds a list of references to other version objects it is dependent on.
"id": "id1",
"version": "1",
"dependencies": [
"id": "id2"
"id": "id3"
When I retrieve this object I also have to retrieve it's dependencies as well the dependency's dependencies until there is an eventual end, which would look something like this
"id": "id1",
"version": "1",
"dependencies": [
"id": "id2",
"version": "2",
"dependencies": [
"id": "id4",
"version": "4",
"dependencies": []
"id": "id3",
"version": "3",
"dependencies": []
This is my Recursive function to retrieve a version
public VersionDto getVersion(String id)
//Retrieves from database
Version version = versionDAO.getVersion(id);
//Convert to Dto (basic fields)
VersionDto versionDto = new VersionDto(version);
//Recursivly retrieve dependencies
for (Map<String, String> dep : version.getDependencies()) {
VersionDto dto = new VersionDto();
//Recursive call
dto = getVersion(dep.get("id"));
return versionDto;
However I run into the problem of a possible infinite loop in the case where a version could be a dependency to one of the nested dependencies such that v1 -> v2 -> v4 -> v1 causing a infinite repeat.
Any idea how I could solve and prevent this infinite loop, so that if the version all ready occurred earlier it should just skip it?
Edit: Solution using global list
public VersionDto getVersion(String id)
//Check global list contains version
if (visited.contains(id)) {
return null;
//Retrieves from database
Version version = versionDAO.getVersion(id);
//Convert to Dto (basic fields)
VersionDto versionDto = new VersionDto(version);
//Recursivly retrieve dependencies
for (Map<String, String> dep : version.getDependencies()) {
VersionDto dto = new VersionDto();
//Recursive call
dto = getVersion(dep.get("id"));
if(dep!= null) {
return versionDto;
The best way to be sure that the recursive functions will end, is to put one, or more conditions. You must have one, to make sure that it won't go in an infinite loop.
I would suggest to make an array or a list, where you store all the already visited nodes, so when running the recursive function you can be aware that you have already visited a node, and can move to another one.