
Spring boot application restart automatically when Cloud foundry updates/upgrade

I am using Cloud Foundry and I deployed my Spring boot application on Cloud. Whenever there is some updates/upgrade happens on Cloud foundry, my application got restart and some request got failed to reach to application as restart of application takes more time to get up. Is there any way in CF that some instances of application will be running while upgrade/restart of application to process requests. Also I want to know, if CF provides services from different locations/regions, so consider my application will be deployed on 2 CF containers available on different region. Wherever there is some updates/upgrade available, proceed upgrade on one region for Cf so other CF service from another region will be available and some application instances will be running to serve requests and vice versa. -Thank you.


  • What you're describing is the intended behavior of CF.

    If you're not seeing this behavior then you should take a look at the following as these items can affect uptime of your apps:


    One other thing which can cause downtime:

    That is probably a theme here. If you are an app developer, you should be talking to your platform operations team to debug this.