Hello all,
I am very new to optimization. What could be the best approach to solve this problem? I have used cplex
to solve these ending up in the bay. Can any one guide me for possible solution using matlab. The code I used in Cplex
dvar float avgrate;
maximize avgrate;
subject to{
forall (i in V)
avgrate <= (1/n)*(sum (a in N)((b[i][a]) * (log(1+((P*h0) /
(sig*((H*H)+((x[i][a]-y[a])*(x[i][a]-y[a])) ) ) ) ))));
forall (a in N)
sum (i in V) b[i][a] <=1;}
in order to call OPL CPLEX from Matlab
command = 'oplrun model.mod data.dat';
[status, cmdout] = system(command);
which is part of how to with OPL