I am trying to use Apache drill GUI on windows 10, I have followed all the instructions on their link https://drill.apache.org/docs/using-jdbc-with-squirrel-on-windows/ , adding the driver shows the message Driver class org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver successfully registered for driver definition: test but when creating an alias and testing the connection, it says
Drill JDBC Driver alias: JDBC Driver class not found
class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler
I have also tried adding the E:\apache-drill-1.16.0\jars\3rdparty and E:\apache-drill-1.16.0\jars\classb folder paths when adding the driver. But in vain, please help me in this regard.
Please use connection string to connect to Drill instance instead of using a connection string which tries to start Drill in embedded mode: jdbc:drill:zk=local
. For example, you may start Drill in embedded mode using drill-embedded script or using sqlline, as was described here: https://drill.apache.org/docs/starting-drill-on-windows/ and connect to it using jdbc:drill:drillbit=localhost
connection string.
Regarding the correct error message, squirrelsql handles exceptions in their own way, but it is possible to make changes in Drill to enforce squirrelsql to specify the correct exception. I have created Jira for this: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DRILL-7461