I am using Grav form v2.16.4 - i want to integrate recaptcha v3 to it but it doesn't work.
I have added the below field to it as in the documentation, please let me know if there is any issue in it?
name: g-recaptcha-response
version: 2-checkbox
site_key: 6LczAsUUAAAefefwefwefe
secret_key: sfefefwefwfcaEB0fsadzKggE
type: hidden
Here is the documentation i followed -(https://learn.getgrav.org/16/forms/forms/fields-available#captcha-field), And also i have added the recaptcha script in the head , which shows the recaptch symbol on the site now.
please help on this. i m not familiar with Grav cms.
Thank you!
Hi Here is the solution - so what i did was - i updated the Grav form to version 4, then there you could find the recaptch latest version 3 in the drop down. And after that just need to put this code to the form -
name: g-recaptcha-response
label: Captcha
type: captcha
recaptcha_site_key: ////////
recaptcha_not_validated: 'Captcha not valid!'
required: true
And In process
recaptcha_secret: ///////
fileprefix: feedback-
dateformat: Ymd-His-u
extension: txt
This worked for me, please let me know if anyone need help on this.