
Short but frequent jobs: HandlerThread or ThreadPoolExecutor?

First of all, I could not determine what the title should be, so if it's not specific enough, the question itself will be.

We have an application that uses a foreground service and stays alive forever, and in this service, there are frequent database access jobs, network access jobs and some more, that needs to run on background threads. One job itself consumes a small amount of time, but the jobs themselves are frequent. Obviously, they need to run on worker threads, so I'm here to ask which design we should follow.

HandlerThread is a structure that creates a singular thread and uses a queue to execute tasks but always loops and waits for messages which consumes power, while ThreadPoolExecutor creates multiple threads for each job and deletes threads when the jobs are done, but because of too many threads there could be leaks, or out-of-memory even. The job count may be 5, or it may be 20, depending on how the user acts in a certain way. And, between 2 jobs, there can be a 5 second gap, or a day gap, totally depending on user. But, remember, the application stays alive forever and waits for these jobs to execute.

So, for this specific occasion, which one is better to use? A thread pool executor or a handler thread? Any advice is appreciated, thanks.


  • Caveat: I do not do Android work, so I am no expert there. My opinions here are based a quick reading of Android documentation.


    ➥ Use Executors rather than HandlerThread.

    The Executors framework is more modern, flexible, and powerful than the legacy Thread facility used by HandlerThread. Everything you can do in HandlerThread you can do better with executors.


    One big difference between HandlerThread and ThreadPoolExecutor is that the first comes from Android while the second comes from Java. So if you'll be doing other work with Java, you might not want to get in the habit of using HandlerThread.

    Another big difference is age. The android.os.HandlerThread class inherits from java.lang.Thread, and dates back to the original Android API level 1. While nice for its time, the Thread facility in Java is limited in its design. That facility was supplanted by the more modern, flexible, and powerful Executors framework in later Java.


    Your Question is not clear about whether these are recurring jobs or sporadically scheduled. Either can be handled with Executors.

    For jobs that run once at a specific time, and for recurring scheduled jobs, use a ScheduledExecutorService. You can schedule a job to run once at a certain time by specifying a delay, a span of time to wait until execution. For repeated jobs, you can specify an amount to wait, then run, then wait, then run, and so on. I'll not address this further, as you seem to be talking about sporadic immediate jobs rather than scheduled or repeating jobs. If interested, search Stack Overflow as ScheduledExecutorService has been covered many times already on Stack Overflow.

    Single thread pool

    HandlerThread is a structure that creates a singular thread

    If you want to recreate that single thread behavior, use a thread pool consisting of only a single thread.

    ExecutorService es = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() ;

    Make your tasks. Implement either Runnable or Callable using (a) a class implementing either interface, (b) without defining a class, via lambda syntax or anonymous-class syntax.

    Conventional syntax.

    Runnable sayHelloJob = new Runnable()
        public void run ( )
            System.out.println( "Hello. " + );

    Lambda syntax.

    Runnable sayBonjourJob = ( ) -> System.out.println( "Bonjour. " + );

    Submit as many of these jobs to the executor service as you wish.

    es.submit( sayHelloJob ) ;
    es.submit( sayBonjourJob ) ;

    Notice that the submit method returns a Future. With that Future object, you can check if the computation is complete, wait for its completion, or retrieve the result of the computation. Or you may choose to ignore the Future object as seen in the code above.

    Fixed thread pool

    If you want multiple thread behavior, just create your executor with a different kind of thread pool.

    A fixed thread pool has a maximum number of threads servicing a single queue of submitted jobs (Runnable or Callable objects). The threads continue to live, and are replaced as needed in case of failure.

    ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool​( 3 ) ;  // Specify number of threads.

    The rest of the code remains the same. That is the beauty of using the ExecutorService interface: You can change the implementation of the executor service to get difference behavior while not breaking your code that calls upon that executor service.

    Cached thread pool

    Your needs may be better service by a cached thread pool. Rather than immediately creating and maintaining a certain number of threads as the fixed thread pool does, this pool creates threads only as needed, up to a maximum. When a thread is done, and resting for over a minute, the thread is terminated. As the Javadoc notes, this is ideal for “many short-lived asynchronous tasks” such as yours. But notice that there is no upper limit of threads that may be running simultaneously. If the nature of your app is such that you may see often spikes of many jobs arriving simultaneously, you may want to use a different implementation other than cached thread pool.

    ExecutorService es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool() ;

    Managing executors and threads

    but because of too many threads there could be leaks, or out-of-memory even

    It is the job of you the programmer and your sysadmin to not overburden the production server. You need to monitor performance in production. The managagement is easy enough to perform, as you control the number of threads available in the thread pool backing your executor service.

    We have an application that uses a foreground service and stays alive forever

    Of course your app does eventually come to end, being shutdown. When that happens, be sure to shutdown your executor and its backing thread pool. Otherwise the threads may survive, and continue indefinitely. Be sure to use the life cycle hooks of your app’s execution environment to detect and react to the app shutting down.

    The job count may be 5, or it may be 20, depending on how the user acts in a certain way.

    Jobs submitted to an executor service are buffered up until they can be scheduled on a thread for execution. So you may have a thread pool of, for example, 3 threads and 20 waiting jobs. No problem. The waiting jobs will be eventually executed when their time comes.

    You may want to prioritize certain jobs, to be done ahead of lower priority jobs. One easy way to do this is to have two executor services. Each executor has its own backing thread pool. One executor is for the fewer but higher-priority jobs, while the other executor is for the many lower-priority jobs.

    Remember that threads in a thread pool doing no work, on stand-by, have virtually no overhead in Java for either CPU or memory. So there is no downside to having a special higher-priority executor service sitting around and waiting for eventual jobs to arrive. The only concern is that your total number of all background threads and their workload not overwhelm your machine. Also, the implementation of the thread pool may well shut down unused threads after a period of disuse.