I would like to animate only certain elements of a certain class from an SVG image with GreenSock (GSAP).
To animate all the elements of a class, I would do:
gsap.to(".class", {duration: 5, rotate: 180, transformOrigin: 'center center', repeat: -1});
Now, how can I pick one (or more) random element(s) of and animate them like so.
What I want to do is animate them randomly by turn and indefinitely.
If you really need to create individual tweens, you would have to have a list (array) of all of your elements, keep track of which ones you've started to animate already, and sequentially fire off new tweens for them. Something like this:
// Get your elements in array form
const elems = gsap.utils.toArray(".class");
// Shuffle the array
const shuffled = (elems) => elems.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
// Then fire of a new tween for each one, removing it from the array
while (shuffled.length > 0) {
let elem = shuffled.pop();
gsap.to(elem, {...}); // optionally keep track of the count to offset it or whatever
However, GSAP can do this sort of thing for you using staggers! How you do so depends on your needs. Since you haven't made those clear, here's a general idea of how to so this sort of thing:
gsap.to(".class", {
duration: 5,
rotate: 180,
transformOrigin: 'center center',
stagger: {
each: 0.1, // or even a negative value if you want them to all be started initially
repeat: -1
By the way, you're more likely to get an even faster response and additional opinions on your requests like this by posting in GreenSock's official forums.