
Equivalent of Javascripts encodeURI in Powershell?

What is the equivalent of Javascripts encodeURI() / encodURIComponent() in Powershell?

I'm encoding a URL (need some %20s in it) and I hate to do that manually.


  • You can utilize the System.Uri class for these cases.

    The encodeURI() equivalent would be to either use the EscapeUriString static method from the class or cast your URI string as a System.URI type and access the AbsoluteUri property.

    $uri = ' with spaces'
    # Method 1
    # Method 2
    # Output

    The encodeURIComponent() equivalent can be done using the class's EscapeDataString method.

    $uri = ' with space&OtherThings=?'

    Note: You do not have to define a variable ($uri in this case). You can just replace that with a quoted string. I only used the variable for readability purposes.