Running the code from the tutorial at
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/hashids.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var hashids = new Hashids();
get the error: Uncaught TypeError: Hashids is not a constructor.
I am running this in a vanilla js app with no modules. just html and js files. If I use reqire(hasids)
then it pops up with error: require is not defined
. I need to run this on my app that is coded in regular browser javascript. Please help me run this.
Thank you!
That module's web information is incorrect. When you import the script the way you're doing it, you have to use
var hashids = new Hashids.default();
You might want to log a Github issue about it; it's clearly misleading as they explicitly tell you to do exactly what your code does.