I am trying to find the most efficient way to output multiple color values from a function. The function (will eventually) take the base color and output a color scheme using sass functions (think complementary, tertiary, monochromatic, etc...).
Here is my code that produces the error
background-color: #020633, color:b7bced Isn't a valid CSS value
I'm sure that I need to replace the comma with a semicolon, I'm just not sure if I can or if I'm going about this properly.
$base-color: #0a104e;
@function darkest-color($darkest-base-color-bg) {
//figure the backgound
$darkest-bg-color: scale-color($darkest-base-color-bg, $saturation: 66%, $lightness: -40%, $alpha: 100%);
//figure the text
$darkest-text-color-nocontrast: scale-color($darkest-base-color-bg, $saturation: 66%, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: 100%);
//figure the contrast between the background and the text
$darkest-text-color: color_adjust_contrast_AERT($darkest-text-color-nocontrast, $darkest-base-color-bg);
//add the two colors to a map
$darkest-color: '';
@return $darkest-color (background-color: $darkest-bg-color, color:$darkest-text-color, );
.darkest-accent-strip {
content: darkest-color($base-color);
You cannot export function as properties, but you can use mixins to achieve what you want. You can read more about Sass Mixins. Here I did what you wanted
$base-color: #0a104e;
@mixin darkest-color($darkest-base-color-bg) {
$darkest-bg-color: scale-color($darkest-base-color-bg, $saturation: 66%, $lightness: -40%, $alpha: 100%);
$darkest-text-color-nocontrast: scale-color($darkest-base-color-bg, $saturation: 66%, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: 100%);
$darkest-text-color: color_adjust_contrast_AERT($darkest-text-color-nocontrast, $darkest-base-color-bg);
background-color: $darkest-bg-color;
color: $darkest-text-color;
.darkest-accent-strip {
@include darkest-color($base-color);