I'm attempting to communicate with a Solartron 7060 Voltmeter through IEEE in LabVIEW. I have to convert some old C code that was originally used to communicate and cannot find a way to get out the main data from the Solartron.
Here is the C code:
#include "ieeeio.h"
#include <stdio.h>
double DATDVM(int dvmtime,int lasttime)
float value;
double Volt,volt;
int j,response=0;
if (lasttime!=dvmtime)
if (dvmtime<1)
if (ieeewt("clear 16\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeewt("abort\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeewt("output 16;D2F1M0R3\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeewt("clear 16\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeewt("abort\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeewt("output 16;D3F1M0R3\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (dvmtime<1)
if (ieeewt("abort\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeewt("output 16;G\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
while (response != 24)
if (ieeewt("spoll 16\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeescnf("%d",&response)==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeewt("enter 16\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeescnf("%*5s%e",&value)==-1) IEEEERR();
for (j=0; j<dvmtime; j++)
if (ieeewt("abort\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeewt("output 16;G\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
while (response != 24)
if (ieeewt("spoll 16\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeescnf("%d",&response)==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeewt("enter 16\n")==-1) IEEEERR();
if (ieeescnf("%*5s%e",&value)==-1) IEEEERR();
This code is sampling a DC voltage (from a faraday detector on an old mass spectrometer detected by an electrometer) at some integration time dvmtime
in seconds. So as to tell the 7060 DVM to take a reading volt
for a set integration time Dvmtime
I have tried the following LabVIEW code, part of which I took from the .vi that controls a Solartron 7061 multimeter. In this code I'm sending D3F1MOR3
, that comes from the ieeewt
functions in the first block of the C code. However, I'm having trouble finding a function that is equivalent to ieeescnf
in LabVIEW.
The first time I run the .vi it returns the correct voltage reading, then it returns 0
on the second run, and a large number on the third run. Also, the time it takes to run each varies substantially.
Any help would be appreciated, as I'm not sure exactly what this C code is doing at every stage.
ieeescnf() seems to be a read GPIB + scAnf() function, GPIB read should do the job.
You may want to take a look at the ScanFromString and the FormatIntoString function - LabVIEW format string differs from C:
Taking a look at the LabVIEW GPIB documentation, you do not seems to be using the correct terminaison mode. '\n' terminaison in ieeewt should correspond to write mode 2 or 5, assuming your C library does not append additional characters :
When poking not-yet-correctly-handled devices, it's perfectly normal to have variable responses times. Don't forget to reset your voltmeter between probing it with test commands, as errors may be carried over.