
How to solve "cuDNN is not enabled"

I'm using cupy with Spyder3.3.6 and Python 3.7.5 in Windows machine(Win10 Pro 64bit, i7-7700, 8GBMemory, GTX-1060-6GB).
Version of cupy, chainer, cuda and cuDNN are 6.0.0, 5.3.0, 10.1.243, and 7.6.4,respectively.

When I import cupy, this error has occured:

C:\Users\(username)\Anaconda3\envs\gpgpu\lib\site-packages\chainer\backends\ UserWarning: cuDNN is not enabled.
Please reinstall CuPy after you install cudnn
  'cuDNN is not enabled.\n'

However, try

import cupy

again, the error hasn't occur and cupy works well. (i.e. write "import cupy" 2 time in the code)
However cupy is actually working, it fells strange to me.
I already tried to re-install related packages, but the problem hasn't solved.

How I can solve the problem?


  • First of all, it seems you are using different versions of chainer/cupy. We recommend chainer and cupy to match the version number as we develop them in tandem.

    How did you install CuPy? We support pre-built wheels for windows, which include cudnn and nccl versions that we guarantee to work. You can install them with pip install cupy-cuda101.