
Angular extend component with BehaviorSubject async pipe not working

I can't seem to trigger the parent component's async pipe from a child component to update the view. Which might sound a bit confusing but let me try to explain by showing a simplified version of my code.

If have got a class that is extended by another class.

export class ParentComponent implements OnInit{
    protected subject$: BehaviorSubject<string[]>;

    ngOnInit() {
        this.subject$ = new BehaviorSubject<string[]>([]);

With a template that looks like:

<span *ngFor="let niceString of subject$ | async">

Extended by:

export class ChildComponent extends ParentComponent implements OnInit{   
    ngOnInit() {

        this.subject$.next(['string1', 'string2']);

The template is not updated in the browser. If I would call the line with subject$.next in the parent component it would update as expected and show the two strings in the browser.

So I tried to play around with it by calling SetTimeOut with 3 seconds delay to see if somehow it was called to fast. This didn't solve the issue. I also add the subject$.next in a function in the parent that I then called from the child and also this wouldnt solve it. But if I would call the same new function in the parent class the view was updated as expected.

I also added a custom subscription in the parent that listens to the subject$ like so:

protected subjectSubscription: Subscription;

this.subjectSubscription = this.subject$.pipe(take(2)).subscribe((justChecking: string[]) => {

Which will be triggered as expected but the view in the browser isnt updated with the values 'string1', 'string2'.

Am I missing something here?

(EDIT) Add StackBlitz:


  • You're mixing inheritance and composition:

    So you're creating two instances of the parent component:

    How to fix? Don't do that. Either use inheritance, or, preferrably, use composition, but don't mix the two.