I have two list naming x and y i.e.,
x = [5.959099113541438, 4.279741749390212, 5.919230806380509,
4.881404217563612, 4.643287477596932, 5.70059531654403,
5.18744222885107, 5.395735445427837, 5.689814995270075,
4.754347454466908, 4.097313043135817, 4.925822302958147,
4.1472414317517785, 4.266112382902533, 5.16970834320798]
y = [-0.3759893858615659, 4.417729726522458, 5.03520438037026,
3.181412048355534, 2.794763936177837, -4.438962739119985,
4.811646347331597, 4.417729726522462, -4.884054229031293,
1.5033713273412632, -4.884054229031293, 15.035204380370258,
-2.985142421537198, -2.5984943093594963, 20.5722590126799377]
Now I need to check the integer value only whether it is falling in the same range of not with some tolerance level
Example for true cases
(5.959099113541438) should be true to y[0]
(-0.3759893858615659) since the difference is just -5.x[3]
(4.881404217563612)should be true to y[3]
(3.181412048355534) since the difference is just 1.Example for false cases
(4.925822302958147) should be false to y[11]
(15.035204380370258) since the difference is 10x[14]
(5.16970834320798) should be false to y[14]
( 20.5722590126799377) since the difference more than 14 I need to check if these lists are falling into a particular range category or not and return the boolean values for all elements.
IIUC, this is just
thresh = 10
np.abs(np.array(x) - np.array(y) ) < thresh
array([ True, True, True, True, True, False, True, True, False,
True, True, False, True, True, False])