
How to get mailbox for my new Azure Active Directory Domain?

I logged into Azure Portal using my outlook user account and registered a new app, created a user-specific (not tenant specific) token and successfully accessed the mail list through outlook api. I want to do the same using tenant. So, I created a new Azure Active Directory Domain ( for example) and added few users to it. I created a tenant-specific token and tried to access the following:

but, I got the error below.

  "error": {
    "code": "ResourceNotFound",
    "message": "Resource could not be discovered.",
    "innerError": {
      "request-id": "576e0c7b-dc27-4d3e-b58e-37ac15346b2f",
      "date": "2019-12-02T10:14:44"

Is this because my - - does not have a mailbox? What should I do to get a mailbox for this custom domain? How do I access the list of mails for any user in my custom domain through outlook api? Please advise.


The above endpoint gives the user details correctly. However,

does not return the mail list


  • Is this because my - - does not have a mailbox? What should I do to get a mailbox for this custom domain?

    Yes, you are right. These users don't have a mailbox. You need an O365 subscription for your AAD, then you can assign the license to the users which you need a mailbox.


    Understand subscriptions and licenses in Office 365 for business