
Ninja Forms not working with jQuery 3.1.1

I'm using jQuery 3.1.1 on one of our sites, as this is required for Slick slider. But when I update WordPress to use the most recent version of jQuery then the conditional logic on the form stops working.

Ninja Forms has told me that this is because I'm running two versions of jQuery, but I'm definitely not - I'm only pulling in jQuery 3.1.1.

Has anyone had any experience with this?

<script type='text/javascript' src='https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js?ver='></script>


  • It seems, that the Ninja Forms is currently only compatible with the WordPress builtin jQuery version, have a look here (https://github.com/wpninjas/ninja-forms-conditional-logic/issues/237) and here (https://github.com/wpninjas/ninja-forms-conditional-logic/issues/234). I hope, they fix this soon...

    A response from their support team was: Ninja Forms only works with the version of jquery that is included with WordPress, version 1.12.4