I got the problem when operating this number on PHP
72 ** 79 % 3337
When i use
echo 72 ** 79 % 3337 // Result is int(0)
Then i try to split into this one
$num = number_format(72 ** 79, 0, '', '');
echo $num % 3337; // Result is 1069
Then again i try using fmod() and bcmod()
$num = number_format(72 ** 79, 0, '', '');
echo fmod($num, 3337); // Result is 2255
echo bcmod($num, 3337); // Result is 2255
But, the result that i want is 285 and when using Python the answer is right.
Why does this happen? Any Solution?
You are overflowing floating point resolution, so you need to do all the math with bcmath, including the exponentiation:
$num = bcpow(72, 79);
echo bcmod($num, 3337);