
Choosing prefix name on creating new branch

In our company, we use azure-devops and edited some settings about folder hierarchy (hotfix, feature, bugfix etc.) with this documentation. Create a branch popup

We want to choose one of those prefix names and type branch name. For example, I choose feature and type login-page. Branch name will be hotfix/login-page. I search a lot but don't any result about that. Is there any way to do that?


  • I choose feature and type login-page. Branch name will be hotfix/login-page.

    If you mean creating a branch name such as hotfix/login-page, then it's not supported. We can only select based on branch but cannot select the folder, that means we cannot create a branch based on a folder.

    In your scenario, it will create a new branch called login-pagebranch under the hotfix folder.

    That means / here will be identified as the symbol of the folder hierarchy.

    If you want to create a branch under the feature folder, then you should type feature/login-page. We cannot select prefix name on creating a new branch.