I have a base class with a static function. But I would like to have a way to know the actual class (could be the base class or a derived class) within whose context I am calling the static function.
For example:
class Foo
static function Test()
$c = self::class;
echo "Hello, I am creating a new instance of type $c";
return new $c;
class Bar extends Foo
public $someProperty;
$b = Bar::Test(); // This should do something different than Foo::Test();
Note that the self::class
in the Test()
function always results in 'Foo'
even if I'm calling it using the Bar::
I understand I could override the Test()
function in Bar
but that's not what I want, I want to keep the implemented functionality in the base Test()
function. But just with the actual static class context that I'm calling it with.
Is there a way for the above Test()
function to say "I am creating a new instance of type Bar" and return a Bar
instance, rather than a Foo
Let me introduced you to late static binding.
Consider the following code, it's not exactly like yours but it highlight's the issue I believe you are facing.
class A
public static $string = 'I am from class A';
public static function getString()
return self::$string;
class B extends A
public static $string = 'I am from class B';
B::getString(); // returns 'I am from class A' ???!
To get around this you can use late static binding to use the variable at run time context (rather than at compile time context)
class A
public static $string = 'I am from class A';
public static function getString()
return static::$string; // note the change here
class B extends A
public static $string = 'I am from class B';
B::getString(); // returns 'I am from class B' and all is well
Far more information than I can give you is available here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.late-static-bindings.php