Today I was experimenting with Chronicle Map. Here is a code sample:
package experimental;
import net.openhft.chronicle.core.values.IntValue;
import net.openhft.chronicle.values.Values;
public class Tmp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (ChronicleMap<IntValue, User> users = ChronicleMap
.of(IntValue.class, User.class)
.create();) {
User user = Values.newHeapInstance(User.class);
IntValue id = Values.newHeapInstance(IntValue.class);
for (int i = 1; i < 100_000_000; i++) {
user.setBalance(Math.random() * 1_000_000);
users.put(id, user);
if (i % 100 == 0) {
System.out.println(i + ". " +
public interface User extends Comparable<User> {
int getId();
void setId(int id);
double getBalance();
void setBalance(double balance);
default int compareTo(User other) {
return, other.getBalance());
As you see in above code I am just creating User object and putting it in Chronicle Map, and after each 100th record I am just printing the User with max balance. But unfortunately it is producing some garbage. When I monitored it with VisualVM I got the following:
It seems using streams in Chronicle Map will produce garbage anyway.
So my questions are:
* Does this mean that I should not use Streams API with Chronicle Map.
* Are there any other solutions/ways of doing this?
* How to filter/search Chronicle Map in proper way because I have use cases other than
just putting/getting data in it.
's entrySet().iterator()
(as well as iterator on keySet()
and values()
) is implemented so that it dumps all objects in a Chronicle Map's segment into memory before iterating over them.
You can inspect how much segments do you have by calling map.segments()
. You could also configure it during the ChronicleMap construction phase, check out ChronicleMapBuilder javadoc.
So, during iteration, you should expect regularly, approximately numEntries / numSegments
entries to be dumped into memory at once, where numEntries is the size of your Chronicle Map.
You can implement streaming processing on a Chronicle Map avoiding creating a lot of garbage, by reusing objects, via Segment Context API:
User[] maxUser = new User[1];
for (int i = 0; i < users.segments(); i++) {
try (MapSegmentContext<IntValue, User, ?> c = map.segmentContext(i)) {
c.forEachSegmentEntry((MapEntry<IntValue, User> e) -> {
User user = e.value().get();
if (maxUser[0] == null || user.compareTo(maxUser[0]) > 0) {
// Note that you cannot just assign `maxUser[0] = user`:
// this object will be reused by the SegmentContext later
// in the iteration, and it's contents will be rewritten.
// Check out the doc for Data.get().
if (maxUser[0] == null) {
maxUser[0] = Values.newHeapInstance(User.class);
User newMaxUser = e.value().getUsing(maxUser[0]);
// assert the object is indeed reused
assert newMaxUser == maxUser[0];
Link to doc for Data.get()
The code of the above example is adapted from here.