
How to display all duplicate value

Is there anyway I could display all the duplicate values in mysql using group by and having

| ENumber | EmpName      | Birthdate  | Gender | Address  | Salary   | DNumber |
| E001    | GSInocencio  | 1988-01-15 | F      | Munoz    | 18000.00 | D005    |
| E002    | EAVillanueva | 1988-04-20 | F      | Munoz    | 23000.00 | D003    |
| E003    | ALedesma     | 1988-05-25 | M      | CLSU     | 21000.00 | D002    |
| E004    | APGamilla    | 1991-10-15 | F      | Maligaya | 25000.00 | D001    |
| E005    | ACTolentino  | 1989-02-20 | F      | Maligaya | 30000.00 | D002    |
| E006    | ANVillasoto  | 1999-01-05 | M      | CLSU     | 15000.00 | D004    |
| E007    | JPPalada     | 1997-01-10 | M      | Munoz    | 21000.00 | D001    |
| E008    | NTNicodemus  | 1995-04-15 | F      | Maligaya | 22000.00 | D003    |

I want to display all the duplicate value in DNumber

| ENumber | EmpName      | Birthdate  | Gender | Address  | Salary   | DNumber |
| E004    | APGamilla    | 1991-10-15 | F      | Maligaya | 25000.00 | D001    |
| E007    | JPPalada     | 1997-01-10 | M      | Munoz    | 21000.00 | D001    |
| E003    | ALedesma     | 1988-05-25 | M      | CLSU     | 21000.00 | D002    |
| E005    | ACTolentino  | 1989-02-20 | F      | Maligaya | 30000.00 | D002    |
| E002    | EAVillanueva | 1988-04-20 | F      | Munoz    | 23000.00 | D003    |
| E008    | NTNicodemus  | 1995-04-15 | F      | Maligaya | 22000.00 | D003    |


  • display all the duplicate values in mysql using group by and having

    There is more than one way to do it, but if you want to use group by and having, then you can join the table with an aggregate subquery that identifies the duplicates, as follows:

    select t.*
    from mytable t
    inner join (
        select dnumber
        from mytable
        group by dnumber
        having count(*) > 1
    ) x on x.dnumber = t.dnumber
    order by t.dnumber, t.enumber