
How do i use Qhull options for LinearNDInterpolator in Python?

I am trying to compute an interpolation with:

import scipy.interpolate as si

import scipy

f = si.LinearNDInterpolator(Q, h)

It gives me the following error:

QhullError: qhull precision warning: 
The initial hull is narrow (cosine of min. angle is 1.0000000000000000).
Is the input lower dimensional (e.g., on a plane in 3-d)?  Qhull may
produce a wide facet.  Options 'QbB' (scale to unit box) or 'Qbb' (scale
last coordinate) may remove this warning.  Use 'Pp' to skip this warning.

My question is : How do i change the Option to QbB?


  • LinearNDInterpolator has the keyword rescale, which could be helpful.

    Regarding the Qhull options, you can specify them when you actually perform the triangulation, through scipy.spatial.Delaunay. Then, you can provide the triangulation object to LinearNDInterpolator.