New to SQL Plus and a little confused on how iteration and functions work with it. Hoping someone could show me how it would be done with the following script:
set embedded on
set echo off
set colsep ,
set pagesize 0
set linesize 1000
set numwidth 10
set headsep off
spool <my_file_path>.csv;
select * from (select /*csv*/ row_number() over (order by t.objectid) as id, t.objectid as transformer_id, t.gps_x as lon, t.gps_y as lat, s.electricmeternumber, s.serviceindex, s.accountnumber,
when t.phasedesignation = 0 then 'unknown'
when t.phasedesignation = 1 then 'C'
when t.phasedesignation = 2 then 'B'
when t.phasedesignation = 3 then 'BC'
when t.phasedesignation = 4 then 'A'
when t.phasedesignation = 5 then 'AC'
when t.phasedesignation = 6 then 'AB'
when t.phasedesignation = 7 then 'ABC'
end as phase_designation
from mvtransformer t, vservicepoint_meterinfo s
where t.objectid = s.transformerobjectid) where id > some value x and id <= some value x;
spool off;
So what I want to do is repeat this script multiple times, varying x and the file path each time. What would be the best way to go about this in SQL Plus?
You could declare some substitution variables, place your query in a script of its own, and then call that script multiple times having populated the relevant variables.
E.g. something like:
Script to call multiple times:
spool &&filename..csv;
FROM (SELECT /*csv*/
row_number() over(ORDER BY t.objectid) AS id,
t.objectid AS transformer_id,
t.gps_x AS lon,
t.gps_y AS lat,
WHEN t.phasedesignation = 0 THEN 'unknown'
WHEN t.phasedesignation = 1 THEN 'C'
WHEN t.phasedesignation = 2 THEN 'B'
WHEN t.phasedesignation = 3 THEN 'BC'
WHEN t.phasedesignation = 4 THEN 'A'
WHEN t.phasedesignation = 5 THEN 'AC'
WHEN t.phasedesignation = 6 THEN 'AB'
WHEN t.phasedesignation = 7 THEN 'ABC'
END AS phase_designation
FROM mvtransformer t,
vservicepoint_meterinfo s
WHERE t.objectid = s.transformerobjectid)
WHERE id > &&val1
AND id <= &&val2;
spool off;
Calling Script
set embedded on
set echo off
set colsep ,
set pagesize 0
set linesize 1000
set numwidth 10
set headsep off
define val1=10
define val2=20
define filename=your_filename1
define val1=30
define val2=40
define filename=your_filename2
N.B. .
is used to indicate the end of the substitution variable name in SQL*Plus. It looks like you're using SQL Developer/SQLCli, which may or may not treat this the same as SQL*Plus. If it doesn't you'd need to use spool &&filename.csv