I erased in my folder .pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/this_plugin
What is the command to update the dependencies inside pubsec.yaml
? I believe it is
flutter packages get
The folder under .pub-cache
is still not up to date.
Note: there was a pubspec.lock
that I deleted
Disclaimer: By running the command below, have a really fast internet connection or be ready to lose one hour of productive hours. ( it will redownload every package every installed on your pc, and I mean each and all of the versions of each packages)~TSR
flutter pub cache repair
or delete /Users/xxxxxxx/development/tools/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/cloud_firestore-0.8.2+3/
and run flutter packages get
if all the above things fail delete the cache folder or also check the version updated in the lock file (some time lock give me the problem with updating the version number)
PS: Why flutter pub cache repair download every package version previously used?