
MY JDBC program compiles successfully but does not runs with exception

My Program runs successfully but gives an exception at the runtime. I have followed all the 8 steps to make a JDBC program. The code and image showing the exception are given. I have also created my own DSN(data source name) in the admin settings in my control panel. Anyone who would let me know a solution to this problem. I would be highly grateful to you. Thanks in advance.

This shows the error which I face at the run time

enter image description here

import java.sql.*;

public class JDBC {

    public static void main(String[] args) 
            // TODO Auto-generated method stb
            Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver") ;
            String conURL = "jdbc:odbc:PersonDSN" ;
            Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(conURL) ;
            Statement st = con.createStatement() ;

            String sql = "Select * from Student" ;
            ResultSet rs  = st.executeQuery(sql) ;
            while (
                String sname = rs.getString("SName");
                String saddress = rs.getString("SAddress");
                String sno = rs.getString("SNumber");                   
                System.out.println(sname + "   " + saddress + "   " + sno );                     


        catch (Exception a)



  • It looks like a Java version mismatch. You have a compiled class file compiled using Java 12 and are using Java version 8 at runtime.

    You can also see answer;

    I'm guessing if you use jdk12, it should fix the problem.