[Sorry for my bad English]
I have to create scrollable view, with scroll buttons, like this picture:
, then show right/left buttons.scrollLeft === 0
then disable the left button. and also, when the scrollLeft
value is max, then disable the right button.<section class="list-with-scroll">
<div class="list" #list>
<div *ngFor="let i of items" class="item">{{i}}</div>
<button class="scroller" *ngIf="isOverflown(list)" [class.disable]="!canScrollStart(list)" (click)="scroll(list,-1)" id="scroll-left">⇦</button>
<button class="scroller" *ngIf="isOverflown(list)" [class.disable]="!canScrollEnd(list)" (click)="scroll(list,1)">⇨</button>
export class AppComponent {
items = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5"];
isOverflown(element: HTMLElement) {
return element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth;
scroll(element: HTMLElement, direction: number) {
element.scrollLeft += 100 * direction;
canScrollStart(element: HTMLElement) {
return element.scrollLeft > 0;
canScrollEnd(element: HTMLElement) {
return element.scrollLeft < element.scrollWidth;
/* The rest of css see on staclblitz */
order: -1; /* To pevent ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError */
StackBlitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/my-angular-scroll
value is max.Thenk you for any help.
I think I found the best approach: using directive.
import { Directive, ElementRef, HostListener } from "@angular/core";
selector: "[appScrollable]",
exportAs: "appScrollable"
export class ScrollableDirective {
constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef) {}
@Input() scrollUnit: number;
private get element() {
return this.elementRef.nativeElement;
get isOverflow() {
return this.element.scrollWidth > this.element.clientWidth;
scroll(direction: number) {
this.element.scrollLeft += this.scrollUnit * direction;
get canScrollStart() {
return this.element.scrollLeft > 0;
get canScrollEnd() {
return this.element.scrollLeft + this.element.clientWidth != this.element.scrollWidth;
onWindowResize() {} // required for update view when windows resized
<section class="list-with-scroll">
<div class="list" appScrollable #list="appScrollable" [scrollUnit]="150">
<div *ngFor="let i of items" class="item">{{i}}</div>
<button id="scroll-left" class="scroller" *ngIf="list.isOverflow"
[class.disable]="!list.canScrollStart" (click)="list.scroll(-1)">⇦</button>
<button class="scroller" *ngIf="list.isOverflow" [class.disable]="!list.canScrollEnd" (click)="list.scroll(1)">⇨</button>
stackBlitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/my-angular-scroll-better