with suppress(ValueError):
while test_condition:
biglist.remove(222) # element that doesn't exist, raises error. but we dont care abt this error.
# LINE-A: more remove kind of calls where we are dont care abt ValueError(s) raised
# LINE-B: ...
# ...
# LINE-Z: ...
# LINE-1: some statement..
# some more statements...
With contextlib.suppress
, the while loop is stopped on the first exception that occurs and execution jumps to LINE-1.
Is there an alternative construct or facility in Python where we can ignore multiple errors that happen within a context and continue execution within the context from LINE-A to LINE-Z without interruption. That is, if an exception happens at LINE-A, execution continues to LINE-B instead of jumping to LINE-1.
Using multiple try-except-finally to cover each line from LINE-A to LINE-Z is not really a clean option for me, as it severely affects readability.
except ValueError:
except ValueError:
Wrapping each of LINE-A to LINE-Z with their own with suppress
is one possibility but has less readability, so I am asking if there are alternatives that are more
What about this?
def do_it(func, *args,suppress_exc=None, **kwargs):
params = locals().copy()
suppress_exc= suppress_exc or (ValueError,)
func(*args, **kwargs)
print("\nsweet %s worked" % (params))
return 0
except suppress_exc as e: #pragma: no cover
print("\nbummer %s failed" % (params))
return e
biglist = [200, 300, 400]
while True:
if not do_it(biglist.remove, 201):
if not do_it(biglist.pop, 6, suppress_exc=(IndexError,)):
if not do_it(biglist.remove, 200):
if not do_it(biglist.remove, 300):
if not do_it(biglist.remove, 400):
print("done:biglist:%s" % (biglist))
bummer {'kwargs': {}, 'args': (201,), 'suppress_exc': None, 'func': <built-in method remove of list object at 0x106093ec8>} failed
bummer {'kwargs': {}, 'args': (6,), 'suppress_exc': (<class 'IndexError'>,), 'func': <built-in method pop of list object at 0x106093ec8>} failed
sweet {'kwargs': {}, 'args': (200,), 'suppress_exc': None, 'func': <built-in method remove of list object at 0x106093ec8>} worked
done:biglist:[300, 400]