
Correct way to use Modernizr to detect IE?

I wanted to use the Modernizr JS library to detect for some browser properties to determine what content to show or not show.

I have an app called Pano2VR which outputs both HTML5 and SWF. I need the HTML5 for iOS device users.

However, IE does not render this "HTML5" output at all. It seems their output uses CSS3 3D transforms and WebGL, one or more apparently unsupported in IE9.

So, for those users I need to display the Flash version. I was planning to use an IFRAME and either pass the SRC via a Modernizr script or document.write out the correct IFRAME code depending on browser.

All of which leads to how do I use Modernizr to detect simply IE or not IE? Or detect for CSS 3d transforms?

Or is there another way to do this?


  • I agree we should test for capabilities, but it's hard to find a simple answer to "what capabilities are supported by 'modern browsers' but not 'old browsers'?"

    So I fired up a bunch of browsers and inspected Modernizer directly. I added a few capabilities I definitely require, and then I added "inputtypes.color" because that seems to cover all the major browsers I care about: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge...and NOT IE11. Now I can gently suggest the user would be better off with Chrome/Opera/Firefox/Edge.

    This is what I use - you can edit the list of things to test for your particular case. Returns false if any of the capabilities are missing.

     * Check browser capabilities.
    public CheckBrowser(): boolean
        let tests = ["csstransforms3d", "canvas", "flexbox", "webgl", "inputtypes.color"];
        // Lets see what each browser can do and compare...
        //console.log("Modernizr", Modernizr);
        for (let i = 0; i < tests.length; i++)
            // if you don't test for nested properties then you can just use
            // "if (!Modernizr[tests[i]])" instead
            if (!ObjectUtils.GetProperty(Modernizr, tests[i]))
                console.error("Browser Capability missing: " + tests[i]);
                return false;
        return true;

    And here is that GetProperty method which is needed for "inputtypes.color".

     * Get a property value from the target object specified by name.
     * The property name may be a nested property, e.g. "Contact.Address.Code".
     * Returns undefined if a property is undefined (an existing property could be null).
     * If the property exists and has the value undefined then good luck with that.
    public static GetProperty(target: any, propertyName: string): any
        if (!(target && propertyName))
            return undefined;
        var o = target;
        propertyName = propertyName.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, ".$1");
        propertyName = propertyName.replace(/^\./, "");
        var a = propertyName.split(".");
        while (a.length)
            var n = a.shift();
            if (n in o)
                o = o[n];
                if (o == null)
                    return undefined;
                return undefined;
        return o;