
Why I am suddenly getting a "Typed property must not be accessed before initialization" error when introducing properties type hints?

I have updated my class definitions to make use of the newly introduced property type hints, like this:

class Foo {

    private int $id;
    private ?string $val;
    private DateTimeInterface $createdAt;
    private ?DateTimeInterface $updatedAt;

    public function __construct(int $id) {
        $this->id = $id;

    public function getId(): int { return $this->id; }
    public function getVal(): ?string { return $this->val; }
    public function getCreatedAt(): ?DateTimeInterface { return $this->createdAt; }
    public function getUpdatedAt(): ?DateTimeInterface { return $this->updatedAt; }

    public function setVal(?string $val) { $this->val = $val; }
    public function setCreatedAt(DateTimeInterface $date) { $this->createdAt = $date; }
    public function setUpdatedAt(DateTimeInterface $date) { $this->updatedAt = $date; }

But when trying to save my entity on Doctrine I am getting an error saying:

Typed property must not be accessed before initialization

This not only happens with $id or $createdAt, but also happen with $value or $updatedAt, which are nullable properties.


  • Since PHP 7.4 introduces type-hinting for properties, it is particularly important to provide valid values for all properties, so that all properties have values that match their declared types.

    A property that has never been assigned doesn't have a null value, but it is in an undefined state, which will never match any declared type. undefined !== null.

    For the code above, if you did:

    $f = new Foo(1);

    You would get:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Typed property Foo::$val must not be accessed before initialization

    Since $val is neither string nor null when accessing it.

    The way to get around this is to assign values to all your properties that match the declared types. You can do this either as default values for the property or during construction, depending on your preference and the type of the property.

    For example, for the above one could do:

    class Foo {
        private int $id;
        private ?string $val = null; // <-- declaring default null value for the property
        private Collection $collection;
        private DateTimeInterface $createdAt;
        private ?DateTimeInterface $updatedAt;
        public function __construct(int $id) {
            // and on the constructor we set the default values for all the other 
            // properties, so now the instance is on a valid state
            $this->id = $id;
            $this->createdAt = new DateTimeImmutable();
            $this->updatedAt = new DateTimeImmutable();
            $this->collection = new ArrayCollection();

    Now all properties would have a valid value and the instance would be on a valid state.

    This can hit particularly often when you are relying on values that come from the DB for entity values. E.g. auto-generated IDs, or creation and/or updated values; which often are left as a DB concern.

    For auto-generated IDs, the recommended way forward is to change the type declaration to:

    private ?int $id = null

    For all the rest, just choose an appropriate value for the property's type.