
Where does npm install packages?

Can someone tell me where can I find the Node.js modules, which I installed using npm?


  • Global libraries

    You can run npm list -g to see which global libraries are installed and where they're located. Use npm list -g | head -1 for truncated output showing just the path. If you want to display only main packages not its sub-packages which installs along with it - you can use - npm list --depth=0 which will show all packages and for getting only globally installed packages, just add -g i.e. npm list -g --depth=0.

    On Unix systems they are normally placed in /usr/local/lib/node or /usr/local/lib/node_modules when installed globally. If you set the NODE_PATH environment variable to this path, the modules can be found by node.

    Windows XP - %USERPROFILE%\AppData\npm\node_modules
    Windows 7, 8 and 10 - %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules

    Non-global libraries

    Non-global libraries are installed the node_modules sub folder in the folder you are currently in.

    You can run npm list to see the installed non-global libraries for your current location.

    When installing use -g option to install globally

    npm install -g pm2 - pm2 will be installed globally. It will then typically be found in /usr/local/lib/node_modules (Use npm root -g to check where.)

    npm install pm2 - pm2 will be installed locally. It will then typically be found in the local directory in /node_modules