I'm trying to use SnowBallAnalyzer in PyLucene but I always get an error saying: InvalidArgsError when I try to create an instance of it like this:
analyzer = SnowBallAnalyzer("Spanish")
analyzer = SnowBallAnalyzer("Spanish", STOPWORDS)
What I really need is i.e if I search for "Fútbol", I should obtain the documents that have the word "futbol" or "fútbol". So... I would like to apply SnowBallAnalyzer to the text I would like to index an to the query.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I don't know pylucene very well as I only work with the java version but as far as I know pylucene is accessing the java implementation.
If this is the case you are missing the Version parameter in the constructor.
SnowballAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String name, String[] stopWords)
As SnowballAnalyzer has been deprecated in lucene 3.1.0, I suggest you directly use the spanish analyzer.
SpanishAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)