
How to connect an internal mdf table in ASP.Net

In my ASP.Net application, I have a simple dropdown (Note: this is not an ASP element).

<select id="events" name="Events" style="height: 25px;"></select>

I was previously populating this dropdown dynamically using an API and jQuery/Javascript (Note2: This application was originally a purely javascript app but was placed in ASP.Net to get server side and other desired functionality).

let dropdown = $('#events');

//Function to call Asp.Net Web Service and retrieve events list by state
var EventsData = esriRequest({
    url: "RII_Service.asmx/GetListOfEventsByState",
    content: {       
    dataType: "jsonp",
    handleAs: "json"
function (response) {
    events_json = response.ListEvents;

    dropdown.append('<option selected="true" disabled>Choose Event Name</option>');
    dropdown.prop('selectedIndex', 0);
    //Initialize state dropdown on load
    if ((document.getElementById("state").value !== null) && (document.getElementById("state").value !== undefined) && (document.getElementById("state").value !== "undefined")) {
        var state_pre = document.getElementById("state");
        state_name = state_pre.options[state_pre.selectedIndex].value;
        filtered_events = events_json.filter(event => (event.State.trim() === state_name));
        options = => event.FullEventName);
        $.each(options, function (i, el) {
            if ($.inArray(el, uniqueNames) === -1) uniqueNames.push(el);
        $.each(uniqueNames, function (i, p) {
}, function (error) {
    console.log("Error: ", error.message);

I have created a simple .mdf SQL database inside my application to replace calling this API and using an ASP.Net WebService:

enter image description here

It has a table called 'Events' that I want to use to populate my dropdown: enter image description here

Although I am not connecting to an outside datasource like SQLServer or an API, I am still confused as to how to bring in my table and populate the dropdown using my internal .mdf table. Any suggestions on how to do this? Do I still need the WebService file or is there an easier way?


  • 1) first of all You have to deattach database from SQL server a) open SQL server b) connect your server c) open node of database and right-click on your database and choose task menu and then choose deattach then database will deattached

    2) In the second step in the visual studio right-click on app_data folder and click on add existing item and then select database which you want to add in app_data folder it will be in In my case ( C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\accountdb.mdf) and now this database will add in app_data folder

    3) Now change your connection string in the config file Collapse | Copy Code

            <add connectionstring="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Accountdb.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True  " name="ConnectionASPX" providername="System.Data.SqlClient" />