
I can't use the cell content and do formulas with it

Currently I've made an excel document where it gets it data from a website with the help of "Data - From Web".

I've gotten this part to work, however i need to use the cell-content in some of the cells to do calculations, but it appears that these are not values (i believe they are text-strings?!)

Some searching gave me the tip to use the =Value() function but this seems not to work as intended (see picture).

I need help to make sure that my table is usable.

Sidenote, I have a feeling that the decimal indicator is an dot "." however my excel uses a comma ","

Your help/assistance is much appreciated!



  • I suspect the download is using dot as the decimal separator and your Windows Regional Settings are using something else. If that suspicion is correct, when you set up the query (or Edit the current query)

    That should enable the values to be converted to numeric values you can use. And that should maintain whenever you update the query.