I tried finding the position of a string with charindex function but when there are two letters in the same string, I'm not able to get the code.
My question is: Find the postion of S from 'SyedSohail' The output should be Position 1 5
Could you please help me with the above
I'm writing the code in Tsql
You can paste the following query right inside your SQL Editor:
DECLARE @test AS varchar(100);
DECLARE @ctr as int;
DECLARE @testlength as int;
DECLARE @charToTest as char(1);
DECLARE @positions as varchar(MAX);
DECLARE @findChar as char(1);
SET @test = 'Syed Summers';
SET @ctr = 1;
SET @testlength = LEN(@test) + 1;
SET @positions = '';
SET @findChar = 'S';
WHILE @ctr < (@testlength)
SET @charToTest = SUBSTRING(@test, @ctr, 1)
IF (UPPER(@charToTest) = @findChar)
SET @positions = @positions + ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @ctr)
SET @ctr = @ctr + 1
SELECT RIGHT(@positions, (LEN(@positions) - 1));
- will contain the string which you want to search
- counter to iterate through all the characters in your string @test
- length of your @test
- the character which you want to count the instance in the string
- the string being tested whether it equals your @findChar
- will be an enumerated string of the position where the @findChar
was found in the @test
Note that I provided a simplistic answer to help guide the understanding for the person who posted the question.