I have a tricky case. I want to redirect always exept in few case. I want to see "toto.png" when i request www.myWebsite.com/toto.png but also when i request www.myWebsite.com/titi or www.myWebsite.com/TITI. In all other case i want to redirect on www.anotherWebsite.com/.
Here my current configuration not working :/
tls server@myWebsite.com
root /var/www/html/
rewrite / /anotherWebsite
rewrite /titi /toto.png
redir /anotherWebsite https://www.anotherWebsite.com/
I found this possibility:
www.myWebsite.com, myWebsite.com {
tls server@myWebsite.com
root /var/www/html/website
rewrite {
if {path} is /titi
if {path} is /TITI
if_op or
to /toto.png
rewrite {
# Check for a file, then a folder
# If neither exists, we would usually issue a 404
# Instead, here we rewrite to /anotherWebsite
to {path} {path}/ /anotherWebsite
redir {
# /anotherWebsitewould usually still issue a 404
# So manually redir from this path if it was rewritten to
if {rewrite_uri} is /anotherWebsite
if {path} is /
if_op or
# Modify the destination and status as required
/ https://www.anotherWebsite.com