
Gruntjs - Watch/Browsersync doesn't reload php

So I am using grunt to help me develop sites. For last two weeks I am having issues with Browsersync/Watch.

When I am making changes to a php files, browsersync doesn't detect any changes. Even, when I am reloading the site manually, source code is not updated. Most funny part is, this code gets updated after "some time" or when I am restarting grunt.

watch: {
    php: {
        files: ['*.php', '**/*.php'],
// Run Browser Sync
browserSync: {
    default_options: {
        bsFiles: {
            src: [
        options: {
            watchTask: true,
            proxy: 'g.test',

Does anyone had familiar issue?


  • Do you have a

    tag in your PHP files? Also, when running grunt, do you have a script (like one below) injected under body?

    <script id="__bs_script__">
    //<![CDATA[document.write("<script async src='/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.js?v=2.26.7'><\/script>".replace("HOST", location.hostname));