I want to ensure variables are interpolated as they are within perl regular expressions. Would rather avoid binding over to other variables in a cascate of "ifs" that would rarely need that variable throughout the code execution. How could I ensure I used the variable?
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => "all";
my $bo = "bother";
if (/^$bother$/) { # want to consider just $bo here!
print("Undestood regex as /($bo)ther/.\n");
} else {
print("Couldnt discern variable.\n");
my $bi = { bo => "the" };
if (/^bo$bi->{bo}[r]ther$/) { # now, $bi->{bo} only
print("Discerned /bo($bi->{bo})[r]/\n");
} else {
print("Couldnt discern variable.\n");
I'm not able to find a way to wrap the variables properly within the regex. Of course I could just my $bi_resolved = $bi->{bo}
or fill the regex with null-thingies (like []
or ()
), but this does not feel like a proper separator.
For clarity:
into bother
to get the /botherther/
string in the first match.$bi->{bo}
into the
to get <bo><the><[r]ther>
, again /botherther/
in the second match.\Q
and \E
, "I am assuming there's never metacharacters within the variables".I have searched thru questions, read documentation, and couldn't find an answer for this. Wrapping in ${}
didn't work for me (that's trying to dereference stuff). So, while searching I feel I am just barking at the wrong tree... It's simply unbelievable nobody ever needed to ask something like that around perlmonks or stackoverflow. I'm probably just looking for the wrong keywords here. :/
To separate interpolated variable names from other text is usually
done like ${name}
So, a part of the code sample becomes
use strict;
use warnings;
my $bo = "bother";
if (/^${bo}ther$/) { # want to consider just $bo here!
print("Undestood regex as /${bo}ther/.\n");
} else {
print("Couldnt discern variable.\n");
A good way to test stuff is to put it into a qr//
then print it out :
my $rx = qr/^${bo}ther$/;
print $rx;
Per @choroba :
As far as the regex goes, it looks like the variable can also be wrapped
in a group without modification and should cover all cases.
It's really just a parsing thing. If Perl can distinquish delimiters to get
a variable notation in a string, it will interpolate it.
Like (?:$bo)
or (?:$bi->{bo})
but it will be wrapped inside a residual group.