
Is position_dodge2() working for python with plotnine?

I'm using ggplot in python with plotnine, I have this piece of code:

my_plot_availability = (ggplot(df)         
+ aes(x='time_elapsed',y='mean',fill='policy')    
+ geom_bar(position=position_dodge(),stat = "identity", color = "black",size = 0.5)
+ geom_errorbar(aes(ymin='mean-error', ymax='mean+error'), width=.2,position=position_dodge(.9))
+ facet_wrap('mobility')
+ scale_fill_manual(["darkgray", "gray"])
+ labs(x = "Time elpased [s]") 
+ labs(y = "Mean content availability")
+ theme(element_text(family="Times",size=12))

that plots this figure:


And I want to have the same size bars, even if in some cases like case 0 there is only one bar. I know I should do it with:


But I'm getting the following error in python:

NameError: name 'position_dodge2' is not defined

Do you know how to solve this?


  • You need to upgrade your version of plotnine to v0.6.0.