
Xcode 11.3 cannot set target for iOS 13.3, i.e. the option doesn't exist

I upgraded to Xcode 11.3 and Catalina 10.15.2 recently. The release note stated

Xcode 11.3 includes SDKs for iOS 13.3

However, the iOS 13.3 deployment target, as well as the simulator, doesn't exist.

Edit: The iOS 13.3 deployment target doesn't exist.

Is it a bug? Or a problem of my installation? Is there a workaround?

Edit: A Link to the apple developer forum Xcode 11.3: can't select deployment target 13.3

Additional screenshot: Build settings Deployment Info


  • I think you're right (even though I didn't believe it at first). When you look inside Xcode, the only SDK is iOS 13.2.

    enter image description here

    They didn't include the iOS 13.3 SDK even though the release notes claim that they did.

    enter image description here