
How to change indentation in Visual Studio Code?

For every typescript file visual studio code uses an auto indentation of 8 spaces. This is a bit too much for my taste but I can't find where to change it.

Maybe it's available as a setting but under a different name as I can't find anything related to indentation.


I'm currently using the Prettier code formatter and that solves all formatting problems by auto formatting on save (if there is no syntax error)


  • You can change this in global User level (all your projects if not deliberately set) or Workspace level (only for the current working project).

    Open the settings: Click the gear on the bottom left, then click Settings as shown below.

    Settings on VS Code menu

    Then, do the following 2 changes: (type tabSize in the search bar)

    1. Uncheck the checkbox of Detect Indentation
    2. Change the tab size to be 2/4 (Although I strongly think 2 is correct for JS. Haha :))

    vscode set tabsize