Using this number formatting: #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
I'm working with payroll information tracking: Gross pay, Pre-Tax Deductions, Employee Taxes, Post-Tax Deductions, Net Pay
To double check my work, in a separate column I'm adding up all of the columns listed above except for Net Pay. Then using conditional formatting to highlight any entries where the Net Pay and SUM do not match.
There are certain entries, such as bonuses or PTO compensation, that zero out because the payroll system handles them in a different way as compared to the normal paystub. The resulting SUM ends up showing a negative (0.00) value and my conditional formatting tags this as a mismatch.
For example,
Gross Pay: 1000.00
Pre-Tax: 0.00
Employee Tax: (300.00)
Post-Tax: (700.00)
Net Pay: 0.00
SUM Check: (0.00) X . . . . . . . . What is happening here?
Extra Notes:
It is negative because it is not zero. Just do round(your number, 2)
and you will see.