I want to develop an app that helps me to record all the keyboard and mouse events executed in a particular Windows Application for example in Microsoft Excel, Acrobat, Notepad, and so on.
I tried Pyhook and Win32gui to achieve my goal so far. However, I do not know how to retrieve the following information:
Thank you so much for your help or advice and please forgive me if I wrote something incorrectly. I am very new with Python ;)
First get the current mouse click position, use WindowFromPoint
to get the current window handle;
to get the window class name;
to get the HMENU
Then use MenuItemFromPoint
to get the menu item ID(this function return will -1 if no menu item is at the specified location);
Finally use GetMenuItemInfo
(The GetMenuString
function has been superseded by GetMenuItemInfo
) to get the menu text.
Here is a simple C++ test sample:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
Sleep(2000);//give us the time to test clicking on the menu.
HWND h = WindowFromPoint(p);
char classname[100] = { 0 };
GetClassName(h, classname,100);
MENUBARINFO menubar = {0};
menubar.cbSize = sizeof(MENUBARINFO);
HMENU menu = GetMenu(h);
int id = MenuItemFromPoint(h, menu,p);
MENUITEMINFO info = { 0 };
info.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
info.fMask = MIIM_STRING;
info.dwTypeData = NULL;
GetMenuItemInfo(menu, id , true,&info);
info.dwTypeData = (LPSTR)malloc(info.cch+1);
GetMenuItemInfo(menu, id, true, &info);
MessageBox(NULL, info.dwTypeData,"Menu Name",0);
return 0;
That's the code I have tested, and work for me.(test in NotePad)
import win32api
import win32gui
import win32gui_struct
import win32con
import time
import ctypes
from ctypes.wintypes import tagPOINT
time.sleep(3) #point to the menu before the time ends.
pos = win32gui.GetCursorPos()
hwnd = win32gui.WindowFromPoint(pos)
##get ClassName
ClassName = win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd)
menu = win32gui.GetMenu(hwnd)
print("ClassName = " + ClassName)
##get Id
point = tagPOINT(pos[0],pos[1])
Id = ctypes.windll.user32.MenuItemFromPoint(hwnd,menu,point)
print("Id = " + str(Id))
##get Menu
info,extras = win32gui_struct.EmptyMENUITEMINFO(win32con.MIIM_STRING)
strings = win32gui_struct.UnpackMENUITEMINFO(info)
print("Menu = " + strings.text)