
Python Barplot to represent Ranges

I want to make a categorical plot in python to represent the range of several variables. I thought maybe I would use a bar plot and set ranges for the bars. Here is my bar plot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

data = {'a':.3, 'b': .3, 'c': .3, 'd': .1,'e':.1,'f':.1}

names = list(data.keys())    
values = list(data.values()),values)

Barplot produced from given code: enter image description here Please tell me how set the value of the bars to something like range(.3,.4). In other words, I want the bars to go from say (.3 to .4 to represent a range) instead of (0 to .3 the way it currently is).

I know using a barplot to represent a range is odd, and if someone has another way for me to do this please add your code. I don't really care as long as I get a plot which represents ranges of at least 6 variables in which I can easily and manually change the value of the ranges.


  • One approach would be to use a LineCollection and set the linewidth to resemble a bar plot.

    To use a LineCollection you need to provide a set of x values that plot each range provided in data. To create the y values associated with your range, I used np.arange. Since np.arange can only count integers, I multiplied each value in data 10 and divided the result by 10 to get back to the input data.

    data = {'a':(.3,.4), 'b': (.3,.4), 'c': (.3,.4), 'd': (0,.1),'e':(0,.1),'f':(0,.1)}
    names = list(data.keys())    
    values = list(data.values())
    values = [np.arange(a[0]*10, (a[1]+0.1)*10,1)/10 for a in values]
    xs = [np.ones(a.shape) for a in values]
    xs = [i*a for i,a in zip(range(len(xs)), xs)]
    verts = []
    for x,y in zip(xs, values):
        verts.append(list(zip(x.tolist(), y.tolist())))
    lc = LineCollection(verts, linewidths=40)
    fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.set_xlim(-0.5,len(values) )
    plt.xticks(np.arange(len(values)), names)

    enter image description here