
Where to initialize Auth0 lock in a react app

I'm implementing Auth0 Lock 11 in my react app. The app is also using Redux and react-router-dom.

I'm trying to follow the documentation here but having trouble getting initializing Lock properly. I'm also confused about how to check if a user is authenticated or not. Before I was using Lock v9 and things seemed more intuitive.

General behavior that I'm trying to implement is this:

Here's what I have so far. This file is where I keep all Auth0 code:

import Auth0Lock from 'auth0-lock';

export default class Auth { 

    lock = new Auth0Lock('my_client_id', '', {

            auth: {
                audience: '',
                redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
                responseType: 'token id_token',
                params: {
                    scope: 'openid email profile'
    ).on('authenticated', function(authResult) {

        if (authResult && authResult.accessToken && authResult.idToken) {
            // use authResult.idTokenPayload for profile information

    setSession(authResult) {


    login() {

So, here are my questions:

  1. Where do I initialize Lock? In App.js?
  2. If the user is not authenticated, he gets redirected to Public component. How do I access the login() function from Public? I understand that I can simply reference it in the component but will that not re-initialize Lock all over again?


  • My preferred approach for situations like this is to wrap the App component in an AuthWrapper component that provides AuthContext. Something like this:

    import Auth from "./Auth"
    const AuthContext = React.createContext({})
    class AuthWrapper extends React.Component {
      constructor(props) {
        this.auth = new Auth()
      login = () => {
      render() {
        return (
          <AuthContext.Provider value={{ login: this.login }}>
    const SomeComponent = () => {
      const { login } = useContext(AuthContext)
      return <button onClick={login}>Show Auth</button>

    If this isn't clear let me know.