I need help from my code since I can't figure out why my AVPlayer can't play the audio. Here would be my function:
@IBAction func pausePlayAudio(_ sender: CustomButton) {
let audioSourceURL: String = "[Site]/module_lesson_uploads/audios/"
let audioString: String = audioSourceURL + (sender.paramaters["thisAudioURL"] as! String)
let audioURL = URL(string: audioString)
let playerItem: AVPlayerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: audioURL!)
let audioPlayer = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem)
it is called here:
pausePlayButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ModuleLessonElementsViewController.pausePlayAudio(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
pausePlayButton.paramaters["thisAudioURL"] = content
and here would be the console's result from printing the passed String:
2019-12-19 11:54:34.524954+0800 AppUI[3807:70260] [] nw_endpoint_flow_copy_multipath_subflow_counts Called on non-Multipath connection
2019-12-19 11:54:34.688244+0800 AppUI[3807:70259] [] nw_endpoint_flow_copy_multipath_subflow_counts Called on non-Multipath connection
2019-12-19 11:54:34.718316+0800 AppUI[3807:70261] [] nw_endpoint_flow_copy_multipath_subflow_counts Called on non-Multipath connection
2019-12-19 11:54:34.912438+0800 AppUI[3807:70259] [] nw_endpoint_flow_copy_multipath_subflow_counts Called on non-Multipath connection
2019-12-19 11:54:34.913975+0800 AppUI[3807:70259] [] nw_endpoint_flow_copy_multipath_subflow_counts Called on non-Multipath connection
2019-12-19 11:55:04.511064+0800 AppUI[3807:70259] [] nw_endpoint_flow_copy_multipath_subflow_counts Called on non-Multipath connection
2019-12-19 11:55:04.742723+0800 AppUI[3807:70262] [] nw_endpoint_flow_copy_multipath_subflow_counts Called on non-Multipath connection
2019-12-19 11:55:04.795568+0800 AppUI[3807:70262] [] nw_endpoint_flow_copy_multipath_subflow_counts Called on non-Multipath connection
2019-12-19 11:55:05.042987+0800 AppUI[3807:70262] [] nw_endpoint_flow_copy_multipath_subflow_counts Called on non-Multipath connection
2019-12-19 11:55:05.049440+0800 AppUI[3807:70262] [] nw_endpoint_flow_copy_multipath_subflow_counts Called on non-Multipath connection
It seems to be working, but the audio was not playing. Any help or explanation would be greatly appreciated!
I have checked your code and discovered such a pattern:
before viewDidLoad
- then audioPlayer
works in 100% of cases (I worked with this audio)audioPlayer
as you (at pausePlayAudio
) - sometimes it works, sometimes not.Please, check this:
var audioPlayer = AVPlayer()
@IBAction func pausePlayAudio(_ sender: CustomButton) {
let audioSourceURL: String = "[Site]/module_lesson_uploads/audios/"
let audioString: String = audioSourceURL + (sender.paramaters["thisAudioURL"] as! String)
let audioURL = URL(string: audioString)
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: audioURL!)
self.audioPlayer = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem)