Access @Inject variable in @code - .net Core Blazor

I am new to Blazor .net Core. I have injected service settings in my .razor page

@inject Microsoft.Extensions.Options.IOptions<Configuration> Configuration

Next I have @code directive below that initialise the _m object

    private ViewModel _m = new ViewModel(Configuration.Value);

    protected async Task DoSearchAsync()
        await _m.PerformSearchAsync();

Registered code in ConfigureServices:

services.Configure<Configuration>(options => 


public class Configuration
    private string ServiceEndpointUrl { get; set; }

I need to pass the Configuration to ViewModel() constructor that takes IOptions<T>, but for some reason I cannot access my injected variable "Configuration" in @code directive. How do I access that please?


  • You can access your injected Service inside a method like:

    @inject Microsoft.Extensions.Options.IOptions<Configuration> cfg
    @code {
        private ViewModel _m;
        protected override void OnInitialized()
            _m = new ViewModel(cfg.Value);
        protected async Task DoSearchAsync()
            await _m.PerformSearchAsync();